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The City must survive

Book of laws

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The book of laws is one of tha mains mechanics of Frostpunk. It allows you to set the rules that run your city and solve problems that your citizens might have. The some laws will give you acces to new buildings or buildings abilities while others don't require a direct imput from the player to be activated (e.g. Medic/Engineer Aprentices), when signing a law that unlocks a new buildings, a promise to build those buildings will be made, if the promise is not fulfilled, the citizens will be displeased. Most laws require the previous one to be accesible, and some of them are mutually exclusive with others that tacke the same problem in a different way, some of those laws have their own branch different from the one of the other option while some laws will allways be accesible no matter the election (e.g. Triage). After signing a law, there will be a cooldown before you're able to sign a new law.

The book of laws is divided into two different sections: Adaptation laws and Purpose laws, the first ones is accesible from the start and allows you to deal with common problems such as hunger or sickness, while the second is divided into Faith and Order, both being mutually exclusive with each other, these are accesed later on the playthrough and allow you to give a purpose for the struggle of your citizens, in other words, it helps to rise hope and lower discontent, the last law of the tree removing hope completely. If Protector of the Truth, Righteous Denunciation, Pledge of Loyalty or Forceful Persuasion are signed, it will be considered that you have "crossed the line", which will display the text "We have crossed the line" and "But was it worth it" in the ending. Both last laws (New Order and New Faith) automatically build a Execution Platform.

Adaptation laws[edit | edit source]

Emergency Shift[edit | edit source]

"Sometimes we have to concentrate on the task at hand at the cost of everything else, or die."

This law allows you to trigger a emergency shift, in which all citizens assigned to a building will work for 24 hours straight, every time this ability is triggered, discontent will greatly increase, and the second time you use it, the game will trigger a scripted death from overwork, starting the Emergecy Shift (Event Series)

Discontent rises slightly

Extended Shift[edit | edit source]

Requires "Emergecy Shift"

"Building a city in this frozen hell requires sacrifice. People will get more done if they work longer shifts"

This law allows you to extend the working schedule of a buildings from 10 hours ( from 8:00 to 18:00) to a 14- hour schedule (6:00 to 20:00). Working on an extended shift will cause discontent.

Discontent rises slightly

Fighter Arena[edit | edit source]

"Nothing relieves tension better than watching a few round of an all-out slugfest"

This law allows you to build fighting arenas in which citizens can fight every night to relieve stress, this will reduce the discontent of everyone living near.

Duelling Law[edit | edit source]

Requires "Fighter Arena"

"Disagreements between people who face deadly threats every day can be resolved in a duel"

This law allows citizens to have duels to resolve everyday disagreements, being able to duel reduces discontent and each duel will slightly reduce discontent , but citizens can die while in a duel.

Discontent falls

Public House[edit | edit source]

Requires "Fighter Arena"

"Even in this harsh new world, people still need to raise their spririts after work in good company with a stiff drink in hand"

This law will allow you to build public houses, which will will reduce discontent of every patron who goes there.

Hope rises slightly

House of Pleasure[edit | edit source]

Requires "Public House"

"Our hard-working pople deserve all the relief we can provide, and some of them yearn for the pleasures of the flesh"

This law allows you to employ prostitutes in each public house to further lower discontent of the patrons who go there

Discontent falls slightly, hope falls slightly

Moonshile[edit | edit source]

Requires "Public House"

"We can give people a bit of liquor now and then to soothe their aching boides and souls"

This law makes so that every meal slightly lowers discontent and negates the discontent penalty of eating soup, but sometimes drunks will interfere with other citizens.

Child Labour-Safe Jobs[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Child Shelters"

"There aren't enogh hands to do all the work. We'll allow children to be employed in safe workplaces, like Cookhouses or Hothouses"

This law will allow you to use children as workers in safe working stations that don't require engineers, including: resource piles, gathering posts, cookhouses, hothouses, houses of healing and field kitchens. Children working can be injured in accidents.

Hope falls slightly

Child Labour-All Jobs[edit | edit source]

Requires "Child Labour-Safe Jobs"

"We need all available hands to work if we're to survive. We'll allow children to be employed wherever they can help, no matter the risk"

This law will allow you to employ children on most workplaces, some of this children can be injured or die in accidents.

Discontent rises slightly, hope falls

Child Shelters[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Child Labour-Safe Jobs

"Children will be safer if they stain in child shelters during the day - and they won't cause any mischief!"

This will allow you to build child shelters, in which children can spend their day without the risk of getting into trouble or having an accident. When all children in the city have a place in a child shelter, a permanent hope modifier will be added.

Hope rises

Medic Apprentices[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Engineer Apprentices", requires "Child Shelters"

"Education is the key to our future. Let's teach our children medicine so they can help with the sick"

This law makes so that children inside a child shelter will help in medical facilities such as medical posts of infirmaries between the hours of 11:00 and 18:00, raising their efficiency up to 20%.

Engineer Apprentices[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Medic Appentices", requires "Child Shelters"

"Education is the key to our future. Let's teach our children engineering so they can help with new designs"

This law makes so that children inside a child shelter will help in workshops between the hours of 11:00 and 18:00, raising their efficiency up to 20%.

Soup[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Food Additives"

"We can cook soup instead of full meals to feed more people with the same amount of raw food."

Allows you to choose between the Standard meals (2 Raw = 4 Rations, 40/h at 100%) or Soup (2 Raw = 5 Rations, 50/h at 100%) in cookhouses.
Hope falls slightly, discontent rises slightly, eating soup will cause discontent. (Slight amount)

Food Additives[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Soup"

"We can add sawdust to meals to make them more filling, although not exactly tasty... or healthy."

Allows you to choose between the Standard meals (2 Raw = 4 Rations, 40/h at 100%) or Sawdust Meals (2 Raw = 6 Rations, 60/h at 100%) in cookhouses. People who eat Sawdust Meals can get sick from it.

Discontent rises slightly, hope falls slightly

Alternative Food Source[edit | edit source]

Obtainable only via intense starvation of the population, then allowing the eventual cannibalism events go without reprimand. (Alternative Food Source (Arc))

"In these terrible times we must do the unthinkable to survive. We wont let the bodies of our dead go to waste."

Allows you to use an ability accessible in the Cookhouse that turns all the dead bodies in your cemetery/pit into 15 raw food. The cooldown is 4 hours. this ability allows your raw food stored to exceed its maximum limit, as it does not stop 'consuming' corpses even if the limit would be reached. Clicking on the Cemetery/pit still allows you to see the names of the deceased.

Discontent rises, hope falls drastically.

Radical Treatment[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Sustain Life"

"We'll try everything to cure the gravely ill, from invasive surery to amputations"

This law will make so that the gravely ill will be treated in medical posts, but 30% of those treated will be left as amputees. After the law is aprove the Help the Amputees (Arc) will trigger.

Discontent rises slightly, hope rises slightly

Sustain Life[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Radical Treatment"

"We can't cure the gravely ill, but we can at least keep them alive. We won't risk dangerous amputations with Radical Treatment"

This law will make so that the gravely ill will be kept alive in medical posts, but they will take up beds and won't be treated.

Discontent rises slightly, hope rises slightly

Care House[edit | edit source]

Requires "Radical Treatment" or "Sustain Life"

"The gravely ill and amputees will be kept in dedicated buildings"

This law will allow you to build care houses, which will house amputees and the gravely ill and they no longer will take up beds in medical posts. Residents of a care house eat as half as a regular citizen.

Hope rises slightly

Prosthetics[edit | edit source]

Requires "Care House"

"Everyone wants to contribute to the survival of our city. If we can bring amputees back to full fitnes, we should do it"

This law will allow you to make prosthetics in factories at the cost of 10 steel for each, but this can be lowered with different techs. Amputees will be equipped with prosthetics in any medical facility, this will allow them to work as normal citizens.

Extra Rations for the Ill[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Overcrowding", requires "Sustain Life" or "Radical Treatment"

"We can feed our sick people extra rations to help with their recovery"

This law unlocks the ability "extra rations" in every medical facility, which will take up 10 food rations but it will increase the efficiency of the facility a 50% of its base efficiency.

Overcrowding[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Extra Rations for the Ill", requires "Sustain Life" or "Radical Treatment"

"Our medical facilities should be fully utilised, even if we have to put patients on the floor"

This will allow you to double the amount of beds in every medical facility, except care houses, but buildings with overcrowding will generate a flat amount of discontent.

Discontent rises slightly

Triage[edit | edit source]

Requires "Extra rations for the Ill" or "Overcrowding"

"We'll be able to dedicate all our efforts to healing those who can recover quickly at the cost of sacrificing the more severely ill."

After signing this law, 60% of all sick citizens will instantly heal, 25% will die and 15% will remain sick . This law will unlock the ability of "triage" in every medical facility, which, when activated, will instantly heal 50% of the patients, while 25% of them die and the other 25% remains sick.

Discontent rises, hope falls

Cementery[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Corpse Disposal"

"We will establich a burial ground so we can lay our dead to rest with dignity and respect"

This law allows you to build a cementery, where the corpses of your dead citizens will be buried, if you don't have any kind of way of getting rid of bodies, citizens will get sick from the diseases of the corpses, this also aplies to "Corpse Disposal". Each burial will keep some people busy for a couple of hours, this will prevent them from working during those hours. After building a cementery, the A Child's Plea (Event) will trigger.

Hope rises slightly

Ceremonial Funerals[edit | edit source]

Requires "Cementery"

"Those who give their lives in service to the city deserve the highest honour. We will give our dead ceremonial funerals to inspire the living"

This law will make so that the loss of hope produced by deaths is halved.

Corpse Disposal[edit | edit source]

Mutually exclusive with "Cementery"

"We'll keep dead bodies out of the heat zone and cover them with snow. The cold will halt their decay"

This law will allow you to build a snow pit, in which you can dump the corpses of dead citizens for future use, the snow pit must be outside of any heat zone or the corpses will start to rot and increase the chance of sickness. After building a snow pit the Woman in Despair (Event) will trigger.

Discontent rises, hope falls

Organ Transplants[edit | edit source]

Requires "Corpse Disposal"

"Death doesn't have to put an end to productivity. We will use bodies of our fallen to save lives and restore fitness"

This law will automatically increase the efficiency of all medical facilities. This bonus will be applied even if no one has died in the city.

Organic Fertiliser[edit | edit source]

Requires "Organ Transplants"

"Life springs from death. The dead shall give us their last gift - their bodies will be used to fertilise the soil in Hothouses"

This law will unlock the ability "Utilise the Dead", which will increase the efficiency of any hothouse a 20% during 3 days at the cost of 3 bodies.

Discontent rises slightly, hope falls slightly

Purpose laws[edit | edit source]

Faith[edit | edit source]

Faith laws allow you to bring back religion and faith, giving your citizens a purpose, but if you go too far down the tree, the faith might turn into a theocracy. It focuses on rising hope and providing benefits to the citizens (Field Kitchens/House of Healing)

House of Prayer[edit | edit source]

"We need a place to practice our faith in peace"

Allows you to start buildings Houses of Prayer, which will rise the hope of citizens living nearby. Shortly after you build a House of Prayer, the event "The rebirth of faith" will trigger

Evening Prayers[edit | edit source]

Requires "House of Prayer"

"We shall meet and pray together to warm not only your bodies, but also your souls"

Unlocks the ability "Evening Prayers" in Houses of Prayer and in the Temple

Faith Keepers[edit | edit source]

Requires "Evening Prayers"

"The Faith Keepers, our most devoted believers will ensure that the righteous are able to work and pray in peace and security"

Allows to build the seat of the Faith Keepers, which will allow you to break up protests and reduce discontent. The first night after you build the Faith Keepers, a nighttime procession will start.

Discontent rises

Public Penance[edit | edit source]

Requires "Faith Keepers"

"To err is human, but those who stray must do Public Penance to dicourage others from the path of evil. Only then can they be forgiven"

Unlocks the ability Public Penance for the Faith Keepers, which will lower discontent and rise hope, but some of the citizens will be injured. Signing this law triggers the Public Penance Arc

Discontent rises

Protector of the Truth[edit | edit source]

Requires "Public Penance"

"The Captain will assume the title of Protector of the Truth. He will be the only one who can tell us what is right and what is wrong and so guide our faith"

Unlocks the ability Captain's Words for the Faith Keepers and The Temple, which greatly reduces discontent which each use. After signing this law, the Protector of the Truth Arc will trigger

Discontent rises

New Faith[edit | edit source]

Requires "Protector of the Truth"

"With the introduction of the New Faith, all who voice doubts will be branded enemies of the faith. Everyone must be devoted to the survival of our cause. All those who do not follow will be swept aside"

After signing this law, hope will disapear completely and a Execution Platform will be built. After signing this law two arcs can trigger The Orthodox and New Faith

Some heretics will die and some people will feel compelled to fight this law. Some of them will die.

Shrines[edit | edit source]

Requires "House of Prayer"

"Praying at shrines will give people the strength they need to take on aruodus tasks every day"

Allows to build shrines on top of roads, which will raise the hope of people working nearby and the efficiency of workplaces by up to 20% if fully staffed.

Field Kitchens[edit | edit source]

Requires "Shrines"

"Each Field Kitchen will provide people working nearby with hot meals to keep themselves warm"

Allows to build Field Kitchens, which will consume rations but raise the temperature of nearby workplaces by 1. Shortly after you build a Field Kitchen you will get the event "It warms the soul"

House of Healing[edit | edit source]

Requires "Shrines"

"The faithful working in the House of Healing will not only heal the sick, but also pray for them, giving them hope"

Allows to build Houses of Healing, which heal the gravely ill, can employ both engineers and workers; and gives a small hope boost to patients. Shortly after building a House of Healing, the event (and scripted death) "A wise man" will trigger.

The Temple[edit | edit source]

Requires "Evening Prayers"

"We will build a magnificent testament to the devotion of our people. It will kindle hope in the hearts of faithful and sway the dobtful"

Allows to build The Temple, which will raise hope and occasionally reduce discontent. You can only build one temple. After building The Temple, the event "Change of Heart" will trigger, if there is a Public House on the city, the event "Plea of the faithful" can trigger

Righteous Denunciation[edit | edit source]

Requires "The Temple"

"It is the duty of the faithful to denounce wickedness. It is a sign of true compassion to bring the wicked to light"

After signing this law, discontent will occasionally be lowered and small amounts of resources will be recovered. Rougthly every two days after signing this law, the event "A tip from a believer" will trigger, the arc "Righteous Denunciation" can also be triggered after signing this law. Signing this law is considered "crossing the line" and therefore, you won't be able to get the "good" ending.

Discontent rises

Order[edit | edit source]

Order allows you to implement a more organized state, with guards, propaganda and loudspeakers but if you go too far down the tree, the city will become a dictatorship. It focuses on increasing efficiency and controling discontent

Neighbourhood Watch[edit | edit source]

Morning Gathering[edit | edit source]

Requires "Neighbourhood Watch"

Foreman[edit | edit source]

Requires "Morning Gathering"

Guard Stations[edit | edit source]

Requires "Neighbourhood Watch"

Patrol[edit | edit source]

Requires "Guard Stations"

Propaganda Centre[edit | edit source]

Requires "Guard Stations"

Agitator[edit | edit source]

Requires "Propaganda Centre"

Pledge of Loyalty[edit | edit source]

Requires "Propaganda Centre"

Prison[edit | edit source]

Requires "Guard Stations"

Forceful Persuasion[edit | edit source]

Requires "Prison"

New Order[edit | edit source]

Requires "Pledge of Loyalty" or "Forceful Persuasion"

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