Frostpunk Wiki and Guides
The City must survive


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Buildings are one of the main mechanics in Frostpunk, they are built by accessing the building tab in the lower toolbar (or presing "B" as a shortcut in PC), they are organized in diferent categories, all buildings require resources and people to be built, when placing a building, a structure of beams will be placed, then, citizens that are currently working will start building it, if several citizens start working on the construction, it will build faster. Citizens will also help building in their free time (18:00-8:00 on normal work shifts). If the building's construction is canceled while in this state, you will gain back all of the resources it needed, if the building is completed, it will only give you a fraction of the resources it required. Some buildings are accesible from the start and others will require a law or technology to be able to be built. Certain buildings are upgrades of previous buildings (such as bunkhouses being a upgrade of tents), and therefore can be placed on top of the original building but they can also be constructed on their own without the original buildings. If the better building is placed on top of the original one, the resources required by the original will be subtracted of the total cost of the building.

All buildings on Frostpunk are built on a radial grid, the Generator (or flag, in On the edge scenario) being at the center of the grid. The buildings can shrink or grow in size in order to fit in with their adjacent buildings without leaving gaps, the size numbers are the aproximate tiles the building takes up in angular and radial directions, respectively. This means the first number is the width along the curve and the second one is the length in a straight line from the Generator. Buildings can be rotated (using the middle mouse button), some of the change their size when rotated, in those cases, both sizes are included.

Frostpunk Buildings List[edit | edit source]

People Buildings[edit | edit source]

People Buildings in Frostpunk mostly include housing and welfare types of buildings.

Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Tent 10 wood 3x2 None 1 All Houses 10 citizens
Bunkhouse 20 wood, 10 steel 3x2 Bunkhouse (Technology) 2 All except The Last Autumn Houses 10 citizens with increased insulation
House 35 wood, 25 steel 3x2 House (Technology) 3 (+1 from tech) All except The Last Autumn Houses 10 citizens with heavily increased insulation, effected by House Redesign & House Insulation
Child Shelter.png
Child Shelter 20 wood, 5 steel 5x2 or 3x3 Child Shelters (Law) 2


All except in The Arks and The Last Autumn Contains 15 children per building during normal working hours. Provides hope boost when all children are contained. if Medic Apprentices or Engineer Apprentices are signed, they provide efficiency boosts of 20% in their respective areas.
Public House.png
Public House 20 wood, 10 steel 5x3 Public House (Law) 2


All Addendum
Cementery 10 wood 3x2 Cementery (Law) 0 All except The Last Autumn Allows the citizens to burry the dead. With the law "Ceremonial Funerals", when a citizen dies, a funeral will be held after the working hours (8:00-18:00/6:00-20:00) reducing the hope that is lost.
Fighting Arena.png
Fighting Arena 15 wood 3x2 Fighting Arena (Law) 0 All except The Last Autumn Hosts duels every night which reduce discontent of the citizens living nearby
Snow Pit.png
Snow Pit None 3x2 Corpse Disposal (Law) 0 All except The Last Autumn Allows corpses to be buried in snow, the Snow Pit must have a temperature of "Chilly" or lower, otherwise the corpses will rot. The corpses stored here can be used by signing the "Organ Transplants" and "Organic Fertilizer" laws. The corpses here can also be used after the "Alternative Food Source" Arc
Administration 25 wood, 15 steel 6x4 Story related 0 Endless mode (with settlements enabled) and On The Edge) Allows you to communicate with other settlements and with New London (On The Edge). Sending or requesting resources or people.

Health Buildings[edit | edit source]

Health buildings are specialized on healing your citizens, both the ones with common illnesses up to the gravelly ill

Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Medical Post.png
Medical Post 25 wood 3x2 None 1 (+2 from tech)


All Heals the sick and gravely ill (Radical Treatment, Law). Only employs engineers Has 5 beds that can be occupied by the sick, and he gravely ill (Sustain Life, Law) but without healing them. Prosthetics can be equiped here
Infirmary 30 wood, 20 steel, 1 steam core 5x3 Infirmary (technology) 2 (+2 from tech)


All Heals the sick and gravely ill with better insulation. Only employs engineers. Has 10 beds. Prosthetics can be equiped here.
House of Healing image.png
House of Healing 35 wood, 10 steel 6x4 House of Healing (Law) 2 (+2 from tech)


On New Home, The Refugees, Fall of Winterhome and Endless Mode Heals the sick and gravely ill. Can employ both workers and engineers. Has 10 beds
Care House.png
Care House 25 wood, 5 steel 5x2 or 3x3 Care House (Law) 2 (+2 from tech)


All Houses the gravelly ill and cripple so that they don't occupy beds in medical posts. Has 15 beds. Residents of the Care House will eat half the normal amount

Food Buildings[edit | edit source]

Food buildings are required to obtain raw food and transform it into rations.

Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Cookhouse 20 wood 5x3 None 1 (+1 from tech)


All Addendum
Hunters Hut.png
Hunter's Hut 20 wood 5x3 None 2 On New Home, The Refugees, Fall of Winterhome and Endless Mode Addendum
Hunters Hangar.png
Hunter's Hangar 40 wood, 40 steel 5x3 Flying Hunters (Technology) 3 On New Home, The Refugees, Fall of Winterhome and Endless Mode Addendum
Hothouse 20 wood, 1 steam core 6x4 Hothouse (Technology) 1 (+2 from techs)


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Industrial Hothouse.png
Industrial Hothouse 20 wood, 35 steel, 2 steam cores 6x4 Industrial Hothouse (Technology) 2 (+2 from techs)


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum

Resources Buildings[edit | edit source]

Resources Buildings obtain the materials required to expand your city

esources Buildings obtain the materials required to expand your city
Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Resource Depot.png
Resource Depot 40 wood, 20 steel 3x2 None 0 All Addendum
Large Resource Depot.png
Large Resource Depot 150 wood, 75 steel 6x4 Large Resource Depot (Technology) 0 All Addendum
Gathering Post.png
Gathering Post 15 wood, 5 steel 3x2 None 1 (+2 from techs)


All Addendum
Sawmill 10 wood 5x3 Sawmill (Technology) 1


All Addendum
Steam Sawmill.png
Steam Sawmill 25 wood, 40 steel 5x3 Steam Sawmill (Technology) 2


All Addendum
Wall Drill.png
Wall Drill 20 wood, 1 steam core 8x5 (on fixed locations) Wall Drill (Technology) 1


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Steam Wall Drill.png
Steam Wall Drill 20 wood, 40 steel, 2 steam cores 8x5 (on fixed locations) Steam Wall Drill (Technology) 2


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Advanced Wall Drill.png
Advanced Wall Drill 40 wood, 80 steel, 3 steam cores 8x5 (on fixed locations) Advanced Wall Drill (Technology) 3


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Coal Thumper.png
Coal Thumper 15 wood 6x3 or 5x3 Coal Thumper (Technology) 1


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Steam Coal Thumper.png
Steam Coal Thumper 35 wood, 25 steel 6x3 or 5x3 Steam Coal Thumper (Technology) 2


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Coal Mine 25 wood, 10 steel, 1 steam core 6x4 (on fixed locations) Coal Mining (Technology) 1


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Steam Coal Mine.png
Steam Coal Mine 25 wood, 40 steel, 2 steam cores 6x4 (on fixed locations) Steam Coal Mine (Technology) 2


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Advanced Coal Mine.png
Advanced Coal Mine 40 wood, 80 steel, 3 steam cores 6x4 (on fixed locations) Advanced Coal Mine (Technology) 3


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Charcoal Kiln.png
Charcoal Kiln 30 wood, 30 steel 5x3 Charcoal Kiln (Technology) 2


All Addendum
Steelworks 25 wood 6x4 (on fixed locations) Steelworks (Technology 1


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Steam Steelworks.png
Steam Steelworks 40 wood, 15 steel 6x4 (on fixed locations) Steam Steelworks (Technology 2


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Advanced Steelworks.png
Advanced Steelworks 80 wood, 40 steel 6x4 (on fixed locations) Advanced Steelworks (Technology 3


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum

Technology Buildings[edit | edit source]

Technology Buildings don't fall in any of the previous categories and serve multiple purposes, such as heating the farthest parts of your city or allowing you to explore the wilderness

echnology Buildings don't fall in any of the previous categories and serve multiple purposes, such as heating the farthest parts of your city or allowing you to explore the wilderness
Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Workshop 15 wood, 5 steel 5x2 or 3x3 None 2


All Addendum
Steam Hub.png
Steam Hub 20 steel 1x1 (placed on a road) Steam Hub (Technology) 0 All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Brazier 10 steel 1x1 (placed on a road) Brazier (Technology) 0 The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Beacon 20 wood, 35 steel 5x3 Beacon (Technology) 0 All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Outpost Depot.png
Outpost Depot 25 wood, 45 steel 6x3 (on fixed locations) Outpost Depot (Technology) 0 A New Home, The Refugees and The Fall of Winterhome Addendum
Guarded Outpost.png
Guarded Outpost Depot 500 wood, 500 steel 6x3 (on fixed locations) Story related 0 The Refugees Addendum
Factory 30 wood, 15 steel, 1 steam core 5x3 Factory related 2


All except The Last Autumn Addendum
Bridge 200 wood, 150 steel On fixed locations None 0 Endless mode (Rifts map) Addendum
Repair Station.png
Repair Station 50 wood, 20 steel On a fixed location Story related 0 The Fall of Winterhome Addendum
Evacuation Centre.png
Evacuation Centre 25 wood 45 steel 6x4 Story related 0 The Fall of Winterhome Addendum
Transport Depot.png
Transport Depot 45 wood, 20 steel 5x4 (on a fixed location)

9x7 on endless mode

Story related 0 On The Edge and Endless mode (settlements enabled) Addendum
Upgraded Transport Depot.png
Upgraded Transport Depot 45 wood, 20 steel 5x4 (on a fixed location) Story related 0 On The Edge Addendum

Faith Buildings[edit | edit source]

Faith Buildings are related to the "Faith" tree of the Law book, they vary between places of worship to small field kitchens to keep warm your workers

aith Buildings are related to the "Faith" tree of the Law book, they vary between places of worship to small field kitchens to keep warm your workers
Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
House of Prayer.png
House of Prayer 30 wood, 10 steel 5x2 or 3x3 House of Prayer (Law) 2 All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Shrine 10 wood, 10 steel 1x1 (placed on a road) Shrines (Law) 0 All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Temple 40 wood, 40 steel 6x3 or 5x4 The Temple (Law) 3 All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Faith Keepers.png
Faith Keepers 40 wood, 40 steel 5x2 or 3x3 Faith Keepers (Law) 2


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Field Kitchen.png
Field Kitchen 5 wood, 10 steel 2x2 Field Kitchens (Law) 3


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum

Order Buildings[edit | edit source]

Order Buildings are related to the "Order" tree of the Law book, they try to establish a new regime for your citizens

rder Buildings are related to the "Order" tree of the Law book, they try to establish a new regime for your citizens
Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available Applications/Abilities
Watchtower 15 wood, 5 steel 3x2 Neighbourhood Watch (Law) 1


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Guard Station.png
Guard Station 20 wood, 10 steel 3x2 Guard Stations (Law) 2


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Prison 40 wood, 40 steel 5x3 Prison (Law) 3


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Propaganda Centre.png
Propaganda Centre 40 wood, 40 steel 6x4 Propaganda Centre (Law) 3


All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum
Agitator 10 wood, 10 steel 1x1 (placed on a road) Agitator (Law) 0 All except The Last Autumn and On The Edge Addendum

Public Buildings[edit | edit source]

Image Name Cost Size Requirements Heat insulation Scenarios they are available
Street Lamp.png
Street Lamp 25 steel 1x1 (placed on a road) None 0 Endless mode
Small Square.png
Small Square 10 wood 3x2 None 0 Endless mode
Medium Square.png
Medium Square 20 wood 5x3 None 0 Endless mode
Large Square.png
Large Square 35 wood, 25 steel 6x4 None 0 Endless mode
Small Garden.png
Small Garden 40 wood, 25 steel 3x2 None 0


Endless mode
Medium Garden.png
Medium Garden 80 wood, 50 steel 5x3 None 0


Endless mode
Large Garden.png
Large Garden 120 wood, 80 steel, 1 steam core 6x4 None 0


Endless mode
Archives 400 wood, 250 steel 9x6 At least 1 Relic in the city 0 Endless mode
Christmas Tree.png
Christmas Tree 35 wood, 25 steel 6x4 Only available during Christmas 0 Endless mode
Builders Monument.png
Builder's Monument 50 wood, 100 steel 6x6 None 0 Endless mode
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